
Struct Request

pub struct Request<T> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Represents an HTTP request.

An HTTP request consists of a head and a potentially optional body. The body component is generic, enabling arbitrary types to represent the HTTP body. For example, the body could be Vec<u8>, a Stream of byte chunks, or a value that has been deserialized.


Creating a Request to send

use http::{Request, Response};

let mut request = Request::builder()
    .header("User-Agent", "my-awesome-agent/1.0");

if needs_awesome_header() {
    request = request.header("Awesome", "yes");

let response = send(request.body(()).unwrap());

fn send(req: Request<()>) -> Response<()> {
    // ...

Inspecting a request to see what was sent.

use http::{Request, Response, StatusCode};

fn respond_to(req: Request<()>) -> http::Result<Response<()>