
Module option

1.6.0 · source
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Optional values.

Type Option represents an optional value: every Option is either Some and contains a value, or None, and does not. Option types are very common in Rust code, as they have a number of uses:

  • Initial values
  • Return values for functions that are not defined over their entire input range (partial functions)
  • Return value for otherwise reporting simple errors, where None is returned on error
  • Optional struct fields
  • Struct fields that can be loaned or “taken”
  • Optional function arguments
  • Nullable pointers
  • Swapping things out of difficult situations

Options are commonly paired with pattern matching to query the presence of a value and take action, always accounting for the None case.

fn divide(numerator: f64, denominator: f64) -> Option<f64> {
    if denominator == 0.0 {
    } else {
        Some(numerator / denominator)

// The return value of the function is an option
let result = divide(2.0, 3.0);

// Pattern match to retrieve the value
match result {
    // The division was valid
    Some(x) => println!("Result: {x}"),
    // The division was invalid
    None    => println!("Cannot divide by 0"),

§Options and pointers (“nullable” pointers)

Rust’s p