macro_rules! panic { ($($arg:tt)*) => { ... }; }
Expand description
Panics the current thread.
This allows a program to terminate immediately and provide feedback to the caller of the program.
This macro is the perfect way to assert conditions in example code and in
tests. panic!
is closely tied with the unwrap
method of both
and Result
enums. Both implementations call
when they are set to None
or Err
When using panic!()
you can specify a string payload that is built using
formatting syntax. That payload is used when injecting the panic into
the calling Rust thread, causing the thread to panic entirely.
The behavior of the default std
hook, i.e. the code that runs directly
after the panic is invoked, is to print the message payload to
along with the file/line/column information of the panic!()
call. You can override the panic hook using std::panic::set_hook()
Inside the hook a panic can be accessed as a &dyn Any + Send
which contains either a &str
or String
for regular panic!()
(Whether a particular invocation contains the payload at type &str
or String
is unspecified and can change.)
To panic with a value of another other type, panic_any
can be used.
See also the macro compile_error!
, for raising errors during compilation.
§When to use panic!
vs Result
The Rust language provides two complementary systems for constructing /
representing, reporting, propagating, reacting to, and discarding errors. These
responsibilities are collectively known as “error handling.” panic!
are similar in that they are each the primary interface of their
respective error handling systems; however, the meaning these interfaces attach
to their errors and the responsibilities they fulfill within their respective
error handling systems differ.
The panic!
macro is used to construct errors that represent a bug that has
been detected in your program. With panic!
you provide a message that
describes the bug and the language then constructs an error with that message,
reports it, and propagates it for you.
on the other hand is used to wrap other types that represent either
the successful result of some computation, Ok(T)
, or error types that
represent an anticipated runtime failure mode of that computation, Err(E)
is used alongside user defined types which represent the various
anticipated runtime failure modes that the associated computation could
encounter. Result
must be propagated manually, often with the help of the
operator and Try
trait, and they must be reported manually, often with
the help of the Error
For more detailed information about error handling check out the book or the
module docs.